Making Macros


Repetitively used text can be recorded as macros and inserted into documents with simple voice commands of your own creation.  Macros are powerful tools.  For example, you can record an e-mail address, a list that you often use, or an address.  Follow these steps:


1.  Dictate the text you wish to record as a macro in the SpeakPad window. 


2.  Select the text. 


3.  Choose Dictation à Create Macro.


[Figure A-7:  Dictate your text, select it, and then create your macro:  Callout: Dictate and select your text, Dictation, Create Macro]


4.  Name your macro.  Use an uncommon name and omit spaces in the name itself.  For example, we're using insideaddress in this instance.  Using such names such will prevent you from accidentally launching Macros in the middle of your normal dictation.  Also, will automatically trigger the Train Words dialog box, which will allow you to record the sound of your macro command. 


[Figure A-8:  Name your macro with a unique name]


FYI:  You can always train or retrain any macro command from the Vocabulary List as described in section C of this Appendix and the part entitled Improve Command Recognition.
5.  Record your macro.  Dictate it as a command, without spaces between the words you chose for your macro name.


[Figure A-9:  Record your macro then choose Done]


6.  Try your macro.  If your Macros doesn't work properly, you can always delete it from your Vocabulary List which will disable the macro permanently.  (See the instructions for Edit the Vocabulary List section of part B in this Appendix.)


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